
The States of Guernsey is structured into one Senior Committee, six Principal Committees and several other Committees, Boards, Authorities and Commissions.

Committees are responsible for the majority of policymaking, regulatory and public service functions and are accountable to the States of Deliberation. The mandates and operational functions of the Committees are set out in The Rules of Procedure.

Senior Committee

Policy & Resources Committee

Is responsible for leadership and co-ordination of the work of the States, including developing and promoting the States' overall policy objectives and leading the policy planning process, the allocation and management of resources including the States' budget and facilitating cross-committee policy development.

Principal Committees

Committee for Economic Development

Its aim is to secure prosperity through the generation of wealth and the creation of the greatest number and widest range of employment opportunities possible by promoting and developing business, commerce and industry in all sectors of the economy.

Responsible for promotion and development of all sectors of business (e.g. tourism, construction, horticulture, retail, digital, manufacturing, finance), securing and promoting air and sea links, competition and regulation, broadcasting and media, living marine resources (e.g. fishing) and the tourist information centre.

Committee for Education, Sport & Culture

Its aim is to encourage human development by maximising opportunities for participation and excellence through education, learning, sport and culture at every stage of life.

Responsible for education, apprenticeships, sport, leisure and recreation, libraries, museums, galleries and heritage, archaeology, the arts, Island archives, civic celebrations including Liberation Day.

Committee for Employment & Social Security

Its aim is to foster a compassionate, cohesive and aspirational society in which responsibility is encouraged and individuals and families are supported through schemes of social protection relating to pensions, other contributory and non-contributory benefits, social housing, employment, re-employment and labour market legislation.

Responsible for social insurance, pensions, social housing, income support, housing benefit, long-term care insurance, health and safety in the workplace, social inclusion including disability, industrial relations, legal aid.

Committee for the Environment & Infrastructure

Its aim is to protect and enhance the natural and physical environment and develop infrastructure in ways which are balanced and sustainable in order that present and future generations can live in a community which is clean, vibrant and prosperous.

Responsible for planning appeals, strategic use plan, agriculture, farms, animal imports/exports, states vet, vale common, traffic signs and lines, bus contract, public service vehicles, driving tests, driving licences, vehicle registrations, road closures, road repairs, renewable energy, waste policy, marine policy, water policy, environmental policy, traffic policy and planning policy.

Committee for Health & Social Care

Its aim is to protect, promote and improve the health and wellbeing of individuals and the community.

Responsible for adult social care, welfare and protection of children, young people and families, prevention, diagnosis and treatment of acute and chronic diseases, illnesses and conditions, mental health, care of the elderly, health promotion, environmental health, public health, extra care facilities at Le Grand Courtil and La Nouvelle Maraitaine.

Committee for Home Affairs

Its aim is to support a high standard of living and quality of life by maintaining and promoting a safe, stable and equitable society which values public protection and justice and respects the rights, responsibilities and potential of every person.

Responsible for crime prevention, law enforcement, justice policy, population management office, immigration, prison and probation, fire and rescue, trading standards, data protection, emergency planning, civil defence, lotteries and gambling and electoral roll.

Authorities, Boards and Commissions

Development & Planning Authority

Responsible for planning applications, building control, protected buildings, protected trees, Island Development Plan, conservation and design and planning policy.

Transport Licensing Authority

Consideration of air transport licensing.

Overseas Aid & Development Commission

Distribution of grants and emergency and disaster relief overseas.

States’ Trading Supervisory Board

Shareholder responsibilities of incorporated trading bodies and management responsibilities of unincorporated trading bodies and commercial interests.

Responsible for waste disposal, Guernsey and Alderney Airports, Guernsey Dairy, Guernsey Harbours, Guernsey Water, States Works, CI lottery.

States Assembly & Constitution Committee

Review procedures in connection with the Island's Constitution and Government.

Scrutiny Management Committee

Leads and co-ordinates the scrutiny of committees of the States by reviewing and examining legislation, policies, services and the use of monies and other resources for which committees are responsible.

Civil Contingencies Authority

Responsible for security and wellbeing in an emergency; assessing the risk of, and acting to prevent, an emergency occurring, with the power to make emergency regulations.

An emergency, as defined in the Civil Contingencies Law, is an event or situation which threatens serious damage to:

  • Human welfare (such as loss of life, injury, illness, damage to property or disruption of transport or the provision of health services)
  • The environment (such as contamination of land, water or air)
  • The security of the Islands (such as war or terrorism)

The permanent Members of the Authority are the holders of the following offices:

  • President of the Policy & Resources Committee​, who is the Chairman of the Authority;
  • President of the Committee for the Environment & Infrastructure;
  • President of the Committee for Health & Social Care;
  • President of the Committee for Home Affairs.

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