
How to Vote

You must be registered on the Electoral Roll to vote

This is a new Electoral Roll which opened on 1 December 2024, so even if you have been registered prior to that date you must re-register to vote. You can register online or by using the household registration form which has been sent to every residence in Guernsey.

To be eligible to vote, you must be:

  • At least 15 years of age (you won't be able to vote until you're 16);
  • Ordinarily resident in Guernsey, and have been so;
    • For a period of at least two years immediately preceding date of registration; or
    • At any time before date of registration for a period of at least five years in total.

Island-Wide Voting

The island will be one electoral district and electors will vote on an island-wide basis. This means there will be a large choice of candidates, and electors will vote to elect all 38 Deputies.

You will be able to vote in-person on polling day, or you can opt for a postal vote even if you are on-island on polling day. 

Voting by Post

All registered voters may vote by post. Choosing a postal vote will give you plenty of time to fill in your ballot paper at home rather than in a polling booth. The ballot paper can then be posted back or, if you have missed the postal vote deadline, you can take your completed postal ballot to any polling station on any polling day.

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