

At the end of each political term the outgoing Assembly sets the rates of pay that are applicable from the new political term. Currently, the standard remuneration for a Deputy under the States' Pension age is £43,036. Remuneration is structured into 3 bands depending on a Members' role and responsibility within the Assembly.

Further details of the bands and current rates of States' Members' pay are available here. Those rates are currently under review.

Employment Status

The States of Guernsey does not employ States' Members. For the purposes of Social Security, they are classed as self-employed and are required to pay contributions at a rate of 11% (as opposed to the employed rate of 6.6%). The total salary has an additional allowance included to compensate for this higher contribution rate, which is deducted for Members aged above the States' pension age. For the purposes of income Tax Members are classed as Employed.

Pension Provision

The States’ Members' pension scheme was closed to new entrants in 2012 and in return by way of compensation an allowance of 15% was added for the purpose of pension provision. 


Further to the provision of a secure States' laptop, provision for additional items of IT equipment, printers, ink etc. are not provided as the cost of such is built into the remuneration of each Member. Expenses can be claimed if a Member is travelling off island on States’ business.

In this Section