
An additional role of a States' Member is to scrutinise the decisions being made, both within their Committee and more broadly by the States, and this is a vital aspect of our system of Government.

This can be done through challenge and debate within Committee meetings and States’ Meetings, formal mechanisms such as the oral or written questions permitted under the Rules of Procedure, or informal discussion and questioning of other States’ Members.

Whilst this level of scrutiny is the responsibility of all States' Members, it is the role of the Scrutiny Management Committee to lead and co-ordinate the scrutiny of the Committees of the States by reviewing and examining legislation, policies, services and the use of monies and other resources for which Committees are responsible.

The Scrutiny Management Committee comprises both States’ Members and non-States’ Members who are appointed by the States, have full voting rights, and can carry out reviews on a wide range of topics. They will interview Deputies, review written evidence and documentation, hold public hearings and produce reports and recommendations.

In this Section