States' correspondence is done largely online and by email, and in many areas the States of Guernsey works in a paperless or near paperless way. Meetings can also be held virtually. Therefore, there is an expectation that States' Members will have some IT literacy in order to be able to fully participate in Committee and States’ business.

Deputies are always in possession of confidential information, including that which is commercially sensitive or relates to identifiable individuals, so accidental disclosure can be dangerous, and Deputies hold responsibility for the security of such data under the Data Protection Law.

Members are provided with the necessary registration, equipment, training and advice to help them manage information safely and securely.

Members will be issued with States of Guernsey secure laptops that have additional security measures. Only these devices should be used for States of Guernsey information not personal devices which are not supported by the States of Guernsey IT Team.

All Members will be issued with a States of Guernsey email address that also has additional security measures: [email protected]. Officers will only email sensitive data to email addresses NOT personal email accounts.

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